Clinic-Aid Software development to Aid Clinics

Clinic-Aid software development grew into existance to assist the Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic manage and maintain records of its clients. The first need was help with orders and keeping track of clients and when and where they saw the nutritionist. From this started the development of our Clinic Management Software, which has been developed over the last eighteen years.

Over the winter of 2019/2020 Clinic-Aid has designed and set up a web based MYMOP system. This is basically as designed by Dr Charlotte Patterson with the minor addition for the clients weight to be recorded. Are you thinking of using MYMOP for your clinical practice? We have a solution just waiting for you. Their height is recorded at the initial client set up and it is assumed that the height will not change over the period of recording.

Over the last year more services have been online and information sheets emailed to clients. Have you ever thought about a client only area on youe web pages? Well at the Endometriosis and Fertility we have solved that problem and have a user area which is password protected. We have routines to make this easy to manage and we can easily share this facility with you. Contact us and we will look into your situation and work out how you can do this. It will depend on your internet provider and if they are running an apache server and can cope with php routines. We can always provide you with seperate url for your private area or talk to your provider to work out how this can be acheived. Let us know and we can provide a reasonable, cost effective solution to your problem. We have solved the issues and just have to set them up for you.

At Clinic-Aid we are always open to suggestions to provide additional services. Do you have a need for a database solution for your clinic? If so then just contact us with your idea, we will tell you how feasible the problem is and if we can help you with it. Use one of the feedback forms to feed your suggestion to us.