Clinic-Aid Downloads

Download Clinic-Aid by clicking on the appropriate version below. You will need a licence code before you will be able to use Clinic-Aid. Just complete the form below, if you are a student concessions may be available, contact your education establishment for a concession code, if one has been negotiated. A trial licence will cost you nothing but will let you test the software and see if it will prove valuable for your practice. This shows our confidence in this product.

Please choose the type of machine you wish to test the software on and download the software and print off or download the documentation. You will also need to register to receive your trial license code by email. I have still to set up the automatic shop, until then if you wish to buy a full license product code the call 01323 846888 with your credit card information.

For the Windows version of Clinic-Aid Download now
The Mac version of the software Download now
For the documentation view documentation


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