
Order features in Clinic-Aid

There are three main order pages, the first is the one you create the order from. It shows the order code the description and the price, you choose which supplier you are going to use. The system totals the recommended retail price and calculates the amount you should pay. Once you enter how much the client has paid it modifies the status from "wait" to "no", signifying that it is ready to be processed. The ordering process is manual, just the click of a button, so can be done at any time. Though, more normally would be to process the orders once a day during the week and then fax or email the orders off to the supplier.

The next page is for recording invoices, you check that the individual items appear on the invoice and enter the invoice number and amount, checking how closely it matches the estimated value.

The third page for the orders shows more details about the money, showing the recommended retail price for each product.

The order is a bilable item and because you may need to send an invoice or a letter to the client regarding this order you have the ability to select a letter and print it to the client.