About this site

This site is brought to you by the Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic

This is a small family run company set up and organised to use nutrition to help women with endometriosis overcome the pain, suffering and other symptoms associated with this disease. It also helps couples acheive a better chance of natural conception, or supports the body and improves the chances of assisted pregnancies.

Clinic-Aid is the software development side of that business and has been developing software for the Endometriosis and Fertiliy Clinic since 2002. Dian Shepperson Mills, the Director of the Clinic, was having difficulty keeping track of orders, clients and payments. From her issues and difficulties with this I deciced she needed a database to keep track of everything. That was the starting of Clinic-Aid. That started to be operational in 2003 and has evolved and developed over the years.

At the end of 2019, work started on a web based MYMOP system. Very much based on the work from the Clinic-Aid Client Management System and the ideas exported into a MYSQL php web based system.

Graham Mills